
Our story

Never despise Small beginnings

Rodney Jay Smith Jr 35, born in Montgomery County just outside of Philadelphia Pennsylvanian, husband of a Princess and father to four beautiful children, Rod has tasted the good and bad in his short time here. He's noted for Fearing God and speaking original quotes in humility, Mr. Smith says often. " We all have a little something wrong, and a little something right." Rod has been blessed in the Creative space. Writing, audio and art flow naturally. He recently said in his first publication "Such rending's of the soul must, by nature, break norms, stretch boundaries and hope beyond hope that a glimpse into my Imagination will soothe your thirsty soul; and maybe, just maybe, against all odds even do far greater, reveal the secrets of all that has yet been unknown."

Over the last 5 years the Lord has allowed me to take an incredible journey into the Airwaves of Podcasting. With over 100's of interviews recorded, hundreds of in person conversations I've been Graced with the opportunity to dive into some of the deeper waters regarding Ultimate Truth. We all have a story to tell but one thing remains, the most important, the Bible. The Word of God is Eternal. It will never fade away. That is why everything I believe, all that I do encompasses a Biblical filter.

I've spoken with renowned Speakers, Authors, Doctor's, Podcasters, Researchers and I've sat in deep conversation with the Gentleman-next door; everyone in between. One thing is certain, the Truth is stranger then fiction.. It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, the duty of a prince to seek it out.

This is my journey so far, Lord willing I have a long way yet to go. My only true strength comes from He who is able to save, the name above all names. Jesus.

כי כל כך אהב אלוהים את העולם, הוא נתן את בנו היחיד ישוע כדי להציל.